Eclair, Ymagis Group’s content services business unit, today announced the launch of EclairPlay, its new all-in-one download platform connecting exhibitors and content owners around the world, at the upcoming CinemaCon 2017. The EclairPlay platform is designed for cinema exhibitors, providing access to a growing range of DCP content available for download and projection as well as to all tools and content marketing material necessary for successful programming and audience building.
Eclair will be hosting exclusive EclairPlay demos on its CinemaCon booth #2313A (Augustus Ballroom) at Caesars Palace next week. CinemaCon is the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO), which will be held in Las Vegas (NV), 27-30 March 2017.
EclairPlay will be given a staggered release in Europe on a territory-by-territory basis. In the US, the service will be launched during the second quarter of 2017.
“EclairPlay offers a multitude of new features equally tailored to exhibitors’ and content owners’ needs,” explains Christophe Lacroix, Senior Vice President of Eclair. “EclairPlay provides exhibitors around the world with additional access to marketing tools and assets as well as screener functions crucial to their successful programming. Subject to rights availability provided by right holders, it offers first- and second-run releases, event cinema premiers, film festival offerings, repertory titles, and more, within a brand-new user-friendly interface, upgraded and optimized to match exhibitor needs and facilitate their work.”
“In the States, EclairPlay launches as a new and enhanced version of CineConductor, Eclair’s highly regarded download platform for exhibitors & distributors of Specialty Film & Event Cinema fare,” explains Barry Rebo, Managing Director of Eclair USA. “CineConductor has proven to be a successful and valuable tool for many exhibitors, especially in their logistical needs. Now, with EclairPlay, we go a step further, providing new opportunities to programmers, theatre owners and rights holders. Accessible from any connected device, they will be able to browse content with extended filters and be inspired by genre specific collections of content organized by various types and themes. They can directly order Feature and Trailer DCPs for e-delivery and gain instant access to publicity material kits.”
For Daniel Danciu, Eclair’s VP Theatrical Delivery, “EclairPlay is also designed to support content owners in building awareness of their overall brand, beyond any given single title, through dedicated collections, highlighted placements, and strategic exposure given to content as well as marketing assets and kits. It offers activity dashboards accessible from anywhere with real-time tracking of deliveries and intelligent reporting to measure and maximize business.”
EclairPlay will be available at http://www.eclairplay.com
About Eclair – Ymagis Group
Founded in 1907 in the early days of cinema, Eclair is a historic, innovative and respected company in the motion picture and television industries. Eclair is the Ymagis Group’s business unit dedicated to content services, a leader in advanced digital technology services for the cinema industry. Through CinemaNext and Eclair, the Group provides innovative solutions to movie exhibitors, distributors (feature films & event cinema), producers, right-holders, cinema/TV advertising networks, rights holders, broadcasters, VOD/S-VOD platform operators and video publishers. Created in 2007, Ymagis Group is headquartered in Paris and has offices in 23 countries with nearly 800 employees. Our core business is structured around three main units: CinemaNext (exhibitor services: sales and field services, software solutions, customer service/NOC and consulting), Eclair (content services: post-production, theatrical delivery, digital distribution, versioning and accessibility, restoration and preservation) and Ymagis (financial services). For more information, please connect to www.ymagis.com, www.cinemanext.com or www.eclair.digital