The UK Cinema Association has today announced further details of its upcoming conference ‘Building the big screen experience’, and confirmed the retail property trade body REVO as its partner for day two of the event.
The Association conference, which has increasingly become one of the key dates in the industry calendar, will take place this year at the Cineworld O2, Greenwich in London, on Tuesday 6 and 7 March 2018. Attended by over 350 professionals from across the cinema industry – including not just cinema operators but also colleagues from film distribution, technology, food and beverage and screen advertising – this year’s event will focus on two key areas of interest for the sector: the increasing use of digital marketing and e-commerce to engage audiences; and the deepening links between the cinema sector and those working in leisure and regeneration.
Day one of the event has now been confirmed (see draft programme here) and will cover issues as diverse as website design, proximity marketing, the use of digital platforms to drive niche audiences, a best practice guide to e-commerce, the requirements of the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation and the role of social media in engaging audiences.
Commenting on the day’s programme, UKCA Policy Executive ç said:
‘We’re delighted with the range and quality of speakers willing to give up their time to share their expertise and experience with those attending our conference. We know that digital marketing and e-commerce is an area of increasing interest not just to our members but also the wider film and cinema industry. We know that people will go away from day one of our event enthused and excited by the potential this area of activity has to add to the bottom line of their business.’
In confirming also further details of the second day of the event – focussing on leisure and regeneration – the Association also announced Revo, the trade body for retail property and place-making, as its conference partner for that strand of presentation and discussion.
Grainne Peat added:
‘We are hugely grateful for the support and involvement of colleagues from Revo as we have developed the content for the second day, and for sharing their expertise and contacts so freely. As a result we believe we have an incredible strong and engaging programme in prospect.’
Erin Rigg, Commercial Director at Revo, said:
‘We’re delighted to be partnering with the UK Cinema Association on this important event. The relationship between the UK cinema sector and our members involved in retail property and placemaking continues to strengthen, and there is no better time to highlight and share the growing body of good practice in this area. We look for to the event enormously.’
Tickets for the conference can be booked here.
About UK Cinema Association
The UK Cinema Association (UKCA) represents the interests of over 90 per cent of UK cinema operators by number and market share. Its membership includes single screen/owner managed sites as well as the largest circuit and multiplex operators. The UK Cinema Association advocates on behalf of the UK cinema sector at international, national, regional and local level. This includes lobbying and working with Government at all levels, with other sectors of the film industry, particularly distribution, as well as working with others to promote the value of cinema to the wider public. In addition they provide advice and support to individual members on interpreting and adhering to legislation and regulation, and in dealing with day to day operational issues as appropriate. For more information, visit https://www.cinemauk.org.uk/.
About Revo
Revo supports the diverse world of retail property and placemaking to thrive and prosper. Our members are a mix of major property companies, retailers and other occupiers, local councils and the advisors who provide services to those parts of the market – all the people and businesses that together create, deliver, operate and occupy great places for work, rest and play. For more information, visit https://www.revocommunity.org.