See Qube Wire at Booth # 2824A to Understand Why Digital Cinema Distribution Has Never Been Easier
Qube Cinema announced the commercial launch of the Qube Wire DCP delivery service at CinemaCon 2017 in Las Vegas. Product demonstrations will be available to delegates at Qube Cinema’s booth # 2824A on the trade show floor. Over the last several months, Qube Wire has been operational with over 500 companies across the world using the KDM generation services of the platform during its beta test phase.
Qube Wire will now expand its offerings to include DCP distribution in most parts of the world to select customers from April 15, 2017 and will be open to all customers on a commercial basis from June 1, 2017. Qube Wire offers global coverage by working with numerous partners across the world for both electronic and hard drive delivery of DCPs.
Leveraging the popular KeySmith KDM management product for post-production and offering FIPS 140-2 Level 3 security, Qube Wire is set to make digital cinema distribution simple, scalable, secure and cost-effective for everyone, from independent ?lmmakers targeting ?lm festivals, to major studios planning a worldwide release through a single-window, self-service system.
Qube Cinema President and CTO, Rajesh Ramachandran said: “The move from film to digital is now behind us so it’s the perfect time to change the way movies are distributed worldwide. After more than two years in development, we’re thrilled to be launching Qube Wire commercially at CinemaCon. Our unmatched level of security, comprehensive theatre database and unique feature set will be invaluable for global content owners, independent filmmakers and distributors, who will now have the power to control their distribution on their own, with ease.”
Qube Wire’s key advantages include:
• Simplified digital cinema key management and global DCP distribution: pick your movie, choose your theatres and get your keys and content delivered anywhere in the world.
• Qube Wire servers in the cloud, strategically located worldwide for speed, scalability & efficiency.
• 24/7 phone, email and chat support.
• Worldwide theatre database.
• Simply the highest level of security of any key management system in the world!
• Territorial rights assignments.
• Multi-level approvals, both within a company and across different companies.
About Qube Cinema:
Qube Cinema, Inc. is a leading international manufacturer and provider of end-to-end digital cinema technology and solutions. Qube Cinema draws on decades of experience in cinema and provides a seamless digital environment for exhibitors, filmmakers and post-production companies with DCI-compliant products that are flexible, reliable and cost-effective.
For further information, visit www.qubecinema.com
About Qube Wire:
Qube Wire is a self-service, single-window system for theatrical distribution into all territories across the world. With a simple but comprehensive user interface, distributors can manage their DCP assets, assign territorial rights and have their DCPs and Keys delivered to any theatre in the world.
To sign up for the Qube Wire service, visit www.qubewire.com