Global Leader in Marketing Data Analytics For The Film Industry now Providing Breakdown of Each Weekend’s Box Office By Audience To Understand Who These Moviegoers Are and Their Behavior
Movio, the global leader in marketing data analytics for the film industry, has announced a new standard in moviegoing audience analysis, Weekend Insights. Available every Monday, Weekend Insights will showcase the top movie choices for the moviegoing audience at the box office every weekend. The audience is broken down by gender into three broad demographic segments; Millennials, Gen X, and 50+. These unique insights will allow studios, exhibitors and industry media to understand the audience makeup for movies any given weekend. Weekend Insights will also highlight which specific audience segments attendance was up, down or underserved.
This follows the release of Movio’s Audience Insights, the first deep learning algorithm, allowing cinema marketers to connect moviegoers with their ideal movie and determine how likely they are to see each title. For Weekend Insights, Movio’s Data Science team were able to use session counts for each demographic for each weekend and look at which movies they saw. These timely insights will provide studio and exhibitor programmers and marketers, as well as the wider industry, with high level insights into the moviegoing audience. Access to the data will be available each Monday by visiting movio.co/resources/weekend-insights.
“Movio will provide unique insights on an unprecedented scale into the audience that drove the box office this and every weekend” said Movio Co-Founder and Chief Executive, Will Palmer. “Generated from millions of moviegoers actual film attendance, Movio’s Weekend Insights is designed to empower our industry to optimize marketing and programing so that each film, and the industry at large, achieve optimal results.”
About Movio
Movio, a Vista Group International (NZX & ASX: VGL) company, is the global leader in marketing data analytics and campaign management solutions, revolutionizing the way the film industry interacts with moviegoers. With a global database of over 100 million moviegoers, 750 million behavioral and transactional records and more than 5000 movie titles, Movio supports the world’s most comprehensive source of moviegoer data. The company’s investment in data science and machine learning has produced market-leading technologies that redefine the possibilities of movie marketing. Movio empowers marketers to connect moviegoers with their ideal movie via online and offline channels, and link campaign data with actual ticket purchases to close the loop and measure campaign effectiveness.
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