The long awaited compliance test plan (CTP) has at long last been published by Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI) on its website. This plan will allow the independent verification of digital cinema equipment as being ‘compliant’ (a much misused word in digital cinema circles) with the DCI specifications and – more importantly – the emerging SMPTE and ISO standards. From the press release:
DCI is considering several entities that have expressed interest in becoming licensed facilities to perform the tests detailed by the Compliance Test Plan. A selection process is underway, and testing entities are expected to be named in the near future.
In a joint statement, the DCI member studios said, “We are very pleased with the quality of work performed by CineCert. The test plan is comprehensive and provides the necessary insight and guidance to manufacturers, integrators and exhibitors on the details required for testing and compliance.”
John Hurst, Chief Technology Officer of CineCert, added, “CineCert is grateful to DCI for the opportunity to apply our expertise to completing the Compliance Test Plan. We hope the Plan helps create an atmosphere of certainty in manufacturing, purchasing and deploying digital cinema equipment.”
The last point is particularly important, as for five years digital cinema equipment have operated in a great deal of uncertainty what the Hollywood studios will and will not approve of as far as the technology goes. This should now eliminate that. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dolby was first in line to get this stamp of approval for their server, seeing that they are already the first to have earned FIPS certification.