UK Cinema Association Welcomes Government Announcement on Re-opening Cinemas in England

UKCA UK Cinema Association
London ( June 23, 2020 ) -

The UK Cinema Association has welcomed today’s confirmation by the UK Government that cinemas in England will be able to open from 4 July.

The announcement comes over three months after cinemas across the UK were required to close as part of the response to the outbreak of COVID-19.

Welcoming the news, UK Cinema Association Chief Executive Phil Clapp said: ‘Today’s announcement is hugely welcome not just to cinema operators in England, but also we know to the many regular cinema-goers who can’t wait to get back to enjoying the big screen experience.

We welcome in particular the acknowledgement implicit in today’s statement of the work the sector has undertaken in reassuring Ministers that cinemas in England can re-open safely for audiences and staff members alike.

While discussions with the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland continue, today is undoubtedly a significant step forward for the UK cinema sector.’

The opening of cinema sites will be made subject to guidelines agreed between the UK Cinema Association and government officials, to be published shortly.

Notes for editors

UK Cinema Association

The UK Cinema Association (UKCA) represents the interests of over 90 per cent of UK cinema operators by number and market share. Its membership ranges from single screen/owner managed sites to the largest circuit and multiplex operators.

Further information

Please contact:

Phil Clapp
Chief Executive, UK Cinema Association