During their annual seminar held in Paris in November 2017, UNITIA announced the nomination of a new President and welcomed two new members.
According to the bylaws of UNITIA, the President is nominated for a period of 2 years. Former President Jean-Noel Fagot, President of CINE DIGITAL SERVICE (France), handed over the presidency to Franz Kober of CINE PROJECT (Germany), who will represent the European grouping for the next two years. “The main focus for the coming years will be to join forces to meet the demands of a quickly developing and changing market. New business models and strategies are emerging to meet the upcoming challenges. And this can only happen if we keep on standing united!”, says Franz Kober.
Furthermore, the association announced the gaining of two new members, Delta Bilgi (Turkey) and Art Sound K (ACK Group) (Russia). Both are important cinema integrators in their countries and will be valuable members of UNITIA in order to extend the area of activity, to strengthen the power of the group and to gain more weight in negotiations with manufacturers and customers.
Following the initiative of leading cinema integrators recognized for their professionalism, CINE DIGITAL SERVICE (France), KELONIK GROUP (Spain) and CINE PROJECT (Germany), UNITIA, the United Theater Integrators Association, was founded in June 2015, to bring to cinema exhibitors the guarantee of working with highly skilled, experienced and recognized companies. Today, UNITIA gathers 10 leading cinema integrators operating in 25+ countries and servicing 11,000+ digital screens.
About Delta Bilgi
Since 1999, Delta’s core business has been cinema projection and sound technologies. Today Delta has installed more than 450 screens of digital cinema with 5.1/7.1 and immersive sound systems. Delta designs, integrates and installs technological solutions for cinema operations with a wide range of equipment. Delta has contracted service and maintenance agreements with major cinema exhibitors and offers 24/7 service through a strong service team.
About Art Sound K (ACK Group)
Art Sound K (ACK Group) was founded in 1991. Their main activity is cinema equipment and parts supply, installation and service maintenance. Moreover, cinema seats with a focus on VIP seats are manufactured in Russia. Art Sound K has installed over 400 digital projectors, the first laser projector and the first immersive sound cinema in Russia as well as the first laser 8-screens Multiplex in Europe. Since the foundation of the company, ACK Group has installed and served over 1700 cinema sites on the territory of Russia and CIS countries. Art Sound K developed and widely uses NOC services to monitor cinema equipment.
For more information
www.unitia.com | contact@unitia.com | +33 1 74 700 705 | 20, rue Cambon – 75001 Paris – France