Keeping Cinema Connected
Celluloid Junkie, Filmgrail and The Big Picture have come together to form a free and open online forum with regular updates for the global cinema industry, as it faces the unprecedented challenges of the coronavirus outbreak.
In this moment of crisis #CJCinemaSummit is launching on Thursday 26 March at (16:00 GMT) Register and Join for Free at http://cjcinemasummit.com
#CJCinemaSummit enables industry stakeholders to stay connected to the industry and gain key up to date insights as well as to ask questions and support each other through these turbulent times. This will be a free and open forum.<
On Launch Week the response was incredible:
- 674 registered delegates
- From over 50 countries
- Representing 390 companies and consultancies
- Key Topics of Interest are:
- And some great feedback:
- Continue with the dialogue and openly discuss the challenges we are facing. When we speak together it lessens the load and gives everyone the sense of solidarity and support, we all need during these un-precedented times.
- Great and inspiring webinar…. it’s great to see how you are on top of all the developments 🙂
- I didn’t realize how international it would be! But I feel like globally we are in safe hands
- Will be sending notes to my friends who led this forum — have some good ideas brewing!
- Great to hear about China’s come back. this has all been so helpful. thank you.
The sole aim is to create a virtual meeting space with a regular schedule where speakers will share industry information, as well as enabling a space for round table discussion and audience participation.
Hosted and Presented by Patrick von Sychowski, Editor of Celluloid Junkie with an invited panel of industry stakeholders the major topics for discussion on the launch week are:
- Global Overview
- What strategies should cinemas adopt when faced with the twin challenges of handling a large employment base, with possible redundancies, as well as communicating with customers while screens are dark. Hear from two leading cinema CEO who have had to face this balancing act with Guests Debbie Stanford- Kristiansen, Chief Executive office of Novo Cinemas and Mariam el Bacha, Chief Executive Officer of Cinepax, Pakistan with more guests to be confirmed.
- Questions from participants via tips@celluloidjunkie.com
#CJCinemaSummit will be of particular relevance to those working in cinema exhibition, distribution and their key stakeholders and suppliers.
#CJCinemaSummit will take place at:
Date: Thursday 26th March
Time: 16:00 GMT / 17:00 CET / 12:00 EST / 9:00 PST / 19:00 Istanbul / Riyadh
Host and Presenter: Patrick von Sychowski, Editor, Celluloid Junkie
Register to Join for Free: http://cjcinemasummit.com

Debbie Stanford- Kristiansen, Chief Executive office of Novo Cinemas, headquartered in the United Arab Emirates says,”Our team and customers are the heart and soul of our business and making sure they are engaged and supportive in this challenging time will help us to bounce back stronger than ever”.
Mariam el Bacha, Chief Executive Officer of Cinepax, Pakistan says,”In this time of uncertainty, it is important to remain connected and share best practices to ensure we safeguard our teams, customers and business”.
Patrick von Sychowski, Editor of Celluloid Junkie and Chairman of #Cinema Summit says, “At a time of unprecedented crisis for the global cinema industry, we want to help by providing a free and open forum for information exchange. We as a group are not looking to sell anything but to share, so that cinema can rebound as soon as it is safe to re-open them. Cinema will be back!”
Simon Souyris Strumse, Chief Executive Officer of Filmgrail says, “Communication and meeting spaces are never more important than in challenging times like these. We are proud to join forces with industry authorities such as Celluloid Junkie and The Big Picture to ensure those spaces continue existing online, as long as the exhibition community is barred from meeting physically. ”
Rob Arthur, Director at The Big Picture and Co-Founder of the Emerging Cinema Markets Conference says,” #CJCinemaSummit provides exhibitors and key industry stakeholders with a unique opportunity to come together during these very serious and challenging days to explore, discuss and learn about the key developments, challenges and learnings from across the globe in a safe on-line environment. We welcome Filmgrail and Celluloid Junkie’s innovation and inspiration to deliver this on-line summit to keep cinemas connected”.
In an on-line world of thousands of websites and blogs devoted to films, Celluloid Junkie is squarely dedicated to the place in which the movies play out – the cinema. We track the business, technology, personalities, events, trade shows, news and trends that relate to the world of motion picture exhibition. Get your daily fix of all things cinema at Celluloid Junkie from the people who know it and live it everyday as industry insiders. For more information, visit Celluloid Junkie’s web page at https://celluloidjunkie.com/about/
Filmgrail automates Content-Creation, Audience-Engagement, Marketing and Targeting, so you free up time to set goals, monitor results and optimize your strategy For more information, visit Filmgrail’s web page at www.filmgrail.com/
We transform places through cinema and leisure As expert partners and advisors, we help bring people and life to developments, towns and cities. We work throughout the UK and globally. For us, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach; all markets and developments are different and we work with clients to get the best outcome. We are constantly collating new ideas to deliver global best practice for clients. For more information, visit The Big Picture’s web page at https://the-bigpicture.com/