Known for its unparalleled customer service, durable gliders and comforting recliners, Atom Seating is going to attend CineEurope in Barcelona, Spain. Atom Seating’s participation at CineEurope 2019 is a strategic move to work closely with existing European clients and explore newer possibilities. Atom Seating has its own ‘Periodic Table’ of Recliners, Gliders, Rockers namely – Helium, Neon, Argon, Titanium, Tungsten, Radium, Oxy, Hydro and Carbon.
They will be displaying 4 models, namely, Helium (VIP recliner), Neon (VIP recliner), Tungsten (Glider) and Titanium (Glider). The seating options will also be armed with latest accessories and features as per the following:
‘Weight Sensor’ mechanism allows the recliner to open and close only when a person is seating on it.
‘Wireless chargers’ for smart phones.
Cleaning the bottom of recliners is an important concern for cinema-owners. These recliners come with two cleaning options – remote open and close mechanism and tilt-up mechanism. Remote open and close mechanism allows the staff to open all the recliners at once in an auditorium while in the tilt-up mechanism individual recliner along with the armrest can be raised above the ground.
Heat pads for European as well as American clients
Numerous upholstery material and designs
Swivel Tables
Daisy Chain power option
Atom Seating would like to invite the European cinema business owners to visit them at BOOTH 812, CINE EUROPE 2019, to witness a revolution in the cinema seating industry.