Union International des Cinémas (International Union of Cinemas) UNIC is delighted to announce the publication of the updated edition of Rolv Gjestland’s book, “How to design a cinema auditorium – Practical guidelines for architects, cinema owners and others involved in planning and building cinemas,” available in its digital version on the UNIC website.
First released in October 2019, this new edition is the result of an intensive review from the author, taking into account numerous feedback from industry colleagues since its original publication. A new structure, additional sections and improved illustrations are amongst the many changes Rolv has made, in addition to an enhanced, modern design to ensure enjoyable and worthwhile reading.
This book is not only meant for industry experts or those looking for a reference in the professional process of designing a cinema auditorium. It can be read by anyone who cares about the Big Screen and has always wondered about the intricacies of creating the best cinema-going experience possible, from scratch. To quote the author, “not all seats can be perfect”, and this handbook helps convey the countless – and necessary – compromises that are part of this complex process.
Divided into 11 chapters, each exploring in depth an essential component of what makes a cinema auditorium, this little guide will give you all the answers you need – while asking numerous essential questions of its own. What is the difference between Flat and Scope? How much depth do you need behind the screen for the speakers? What is a good seating area? Will offsetting seating rows improve the sightline clearance? At which height should I install the side surround speakers? What is the optimal room dimension from an acoustical point of view? What is the necessary space for a wheelchair? These are just some of the questions that are addressed in this book, although few come with a simple answer.
No two screening rooms are alike and each comes with its own set of unique requirements. Local rules related to security, safety and accessibility must be taken into account, bearing in mind that, of course, some are harder to find than others. Moreover, while he tried to be as neutral as he could, Rolv Gjestland’s distinctive views may, of course, shine through at certain points.
Advisor in cinema concepts, design, logistics and technology for Film&Kino, the trade body representing Norwegian cinema operators, Rolv has been directly involved in the construction or design process of almost every newbuild or upgrade of cinemas since 1984 in a country known – at least inside the industry – for being a standard-bearer for everything related to cinema technology. Rolv’s passion for the Big Screen is hard to equal and this book will hopefully give you a glimpse of it.
Please contact communications@unic-cinemas.org if you are interested in a physical copy. UNIC will be keeping track of the waiting list and get back to everyone as soon as possible
UNIC would like to wish everyone an enjoyable read and hopes the book encourages many cinema professionals to design state-of-the-art auditoriums, where film lovers will be able, for years and years to come, to enjoy the unique experience of watching films together, on the big screen. After all, according to Gjestland, “designing a cinema auditorium is quite easy, if you follow the rules”.
- Out Now – How to Design a Cinema Auditorium v2 - September 3, 2020