Vista Group company Vista Entertainment Solutions (VES) has signed Jinyi International Cinemas following a project piloting VES software in 19 of its cinemas over the past several months. Jinyi is the third largest cinema exhibition chain in China with 138 cinema sites across southern and eastern China. For VES, Jinyi is the second large scale chain that the company has secured in China in the last 18 months following Dadi Digital Cinema in Q4 2014.
Jinyi International Cinemas is owned and operated by Jinyi Zhujiang Movie Circuit Co. Limited based in Guangzhou. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of privately owned Guangzhou Jinyi Film & Television Group Co. Jinyi is a leader in e-commerce, selling an estimated 70% of its movie tickets to moviegoers via third party suppliers online; this is a heavily utilised sales channel in China. The VES ‘Super Cool Online Platform’, designed and developed in response to the distinctive needs of the Chinese exhibition market, is a recent addition to the VES cinema management software suite and will be deployed to help support the Jinyi sales model.
VES has already begun the process to install its cinema management software at the remaining 119 cinemas in the Jinyi stable; 20 VES operational staff will be deployed across China for a period of five weeks, an exercise in logistics that VES has become more accustomed to managing, as an increasing number of Large Circuit Market exhibitors (cinema exhibitors operating more than 20 screens) around the world move to using Vista Group software. In addition to the Online Platform, Jinyi will utilize the full suite of VES products spanning Vista Cinema, Head Office and Customer Sales Channels, a fully inter-connected suite that delivers the chain a single and total solution for optimizing the management of their cinemas.
“The signing of our supply agreement with Jinyi following a very successful pilot period is fantastic progress for VES in the China market and a credit to our Regional Manager, Lawrence Wang and his team based in Shanghai”, says Kimbal Riley, CEO of VES. “It validates our continuing strategy to target the largest chains in China and in doing so we continue to build solid relationships with our customers there as well as create additional opportunities for Vista Group.”
Veezi, Vista’s Small Circuit Market (cinema exhibitors operating less than 20 screens) cinema management solution, already utilized in over 20 territories around the world, is expected to launch in China this year. The highly visible success of VES in the China Large Circuit Market, is a strong contributor to this development and is also expected to support growth opportunities for other Vista Group companies.
About Vista Group International:
Vista Group International (Vista Group) is a public company, listed on both the New Zealand and Australian stock exchanges (NZX & ASX: VGL). Vista Group provides cinema management, film distribution and customer analytics software to companies across the global film industry. Cinema management software is provided by Vista Entertainment Solutions, the core business of the Group. Movio (data analytics), Veezi (cloud-based SaaSsoftware for the Independent Circuit Market), MACCS International (film distribution software), Numero (box office reporting software for film distributors and cinemas), Cinema Intelligence by Share Dimension (business intelligence solutions), Powster (creative studio and marketing platform for movie studios) and Flicks (moviegoer ‘go to’ portal for movie information), provide products that leverage the success of this platform into other parts of the film industry; from production and distribution, to cinema exhibition through to the moviegoer experience. Vista Group has over 400 staff across nine offices in New Zealand (Auckland headquarters), Sydney, Los Angeles, Dallas, London, the Netherlands, Romania and Shanghai.
Website: www.vistagroup.co
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/vista-group-limited
VES about Vista Entertainment Solutions
Vista Entertainment Solutions Ltd (VES) is the world-leader in cinema management software solutions with installations in over 70 countries across all continents and an estimated 38% global market share in the Large Cinema Circuit market (cinema exhibitors operating more than 20 screens). The Vista software product line is suited to cinema exhibitor’s operating 20+ screens and up to 100’s of cinemas; it comprises a fully inter-connected suite of software modules required to deliver optimal box office return, total cinema management, and internal and external analysis and reporting. VES is head-quartered in Auckland, New Zealand and has subsidiaries incorporated in Los Angeles, London,
and Shanghai.
Website: www.vista.co
Twitter: @VistaCinema
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/vista-entertainment-solutions
Source: Vista Group International Ltd, Auckland, NZ
Press Contacts:
For Vista Group International/USA
Maggie Begley/MBC
maggie@mbcprinc.com; +1 310 390 0101
Vista Group International/Auckland, NZ
Christine Fenby
christine.fenby@vista.co; +64 21 727 006