Reel Cinemas UK has become the first circuit in the world to deploy Unique X’s new RosettaBridge Eco TMS across its entire circuit of 96 screens. Following a successful trial Reel Cinemas were able to quick identify the energy savings available through this innovative addition to RosettaBridge TMS.
Reel Cinemas UK and Unique X have a long, successful partnership and mutual vision of innovation through technology.
RosettaBridge Eco TMS can control every device in a cinema through intelligent integration. The film schedule drives the operation of the cinema, allowing RosettaBridge Eco TMS to identify when to turn on and on equipment for optimal cinema operations at the lowest energy consumption levels. Whether controlling start and end of day programmes based on scheduling data, to turning off equipment when no tickets are sold, and automatically turning on and off all projection, sound, HVAC, lighting and other critical systems, cinema operators can vastly reduce their power consumption.
Muhammad Faisal of Reel added “Following the pilot installation we quickly saw just how much power could be saved through RosettaBridge Eco TMS, and consequently we had no hesitation in rolling this out to all of our screens. Unique X have an unrivalled history of innovation in the cinema space, and we are delighted to become their first exhibitor partner in this new endeavour. High energy prices are putting great pressure on all businesses today; using RosettaBridge Eco TMS has reduced our expenditure to a minimum, while ensuring we maintain a fully operational circuit.”
Unique X’s CEO, Roger Harris said “Recognising the challenge of rising energy plans and aligned to the further development planned for Rosetta Bridge (RB), the Eco solution delivers dynamic autonomous power management of cinema operations , from projectors to air conditioning. We congratulate Muhammad and the Reel team for their foresight in rapidly adopting this up-graded RB software which we note is already paying cost saving dividends
About Reel Cinemas UK
REEL Cinemas is the UK’s leading nationwide independent cinema chain. It currently has fifteen sites across England & Wales and offers an exceptional guest experience, giving everyone a warm welcome while keeping ticket prices low. Their venues range from classic Art Deco cinemas to purpose built miniplexes – typically, five or six-screen venues – located within underserved communities. As a result, they bring cinema to the doorstep of many towns usually seen as too small by other larger cinema chains. Their continued growth will see a number of new sites opening this year & next.
About Unique X
Unique X is the market-leading brand and product portfolio for the future strategy and innovation of digital cinema, providing intelligent autonomous cost savings solutions and revenue-generating fully managed content services. Unique X operates in 90 countries across the globe and excels in delivering mission-critical cinema software. Every year Unique X delivers over 200,000 movies and 1.1 billion cinema advertising spots worldwide. Market-leading cinema solutions include RosettaBridge Eco TMS (Theater Management System), RosettaNet (Circuit Management System), Movie Transit (Digital Cinema Package Content Delivery Network), Basekey (KDM management), RosettaLive (Event Streaming), Advertising Accord (Complete Advertising Sales Management), SmartTrailering (Intelligent Trailer Scheduling) and Unique’s unrivalled consumer product, the movie and gaming content private cinema hire event platform “Book The Cinema”.