NEXT WAVE’s goal is to train participants in the many skills required to master the current infrastructure, as well as the mindsets needed to build viable new business models for future sales and distribution. The program puts them in the front line of those who must create new marketing and communication methods and develop original audience engagement strategies.
The program will establish a powerful tool-box for participants to deploy in their future careers, and will equip them with the business knowledge, practical expertise, strategic skills and international networks needed. The program aims to disrupt the professional silos and current educational patterns. A powerful component of NEXT WAVE is the bringing together of established industries and tech/start-up firms to spark innovation.
An essential element of the innovative teaching methods employed by NEXT WAVE will be to engage the participants in working on assignments & exercises commissioned by partners of the programme, attempting to solve real-world problems. The solutions developed in group work or by individual participants will inspire future activity by the commissioning stakeholders. International research and study trips will bring the participants of the programme to festivals, markets, conferences and partner schools.
This creative incubator targets committed professionals with a collaborative, creative and entrepreneurial mind-set and with backgrounds in film sales, distribution, exhibition, festivals and curatorship, marketing or audience development. Applicants should have relevant, documented experience in creating, producing, distributing, marketing or programming in formats that engage audiences across different platforms. This Berlin based program starts mid September 2019 with a kick-off event and ends mid June 2020 with a graduation ceremony during the NEXT WAVE Summit.
NEXT WAVE is designed and run by the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB); the partner film schools are the French National Film School (La Femis), National Film School of Denmark, Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU). The programme is supported by Creative Europe MEDIA.
On February 13, the DFFB extends an invitation to its annual reception on the 9th floor of the Filmhaus, where DFFB director Ben Gibson will officially present NEXT WAVE.
The application deadline is on May 31st 2019.
More details and application: https://nextwave.dffb.de/
Press Contact
If you require additional information on NEXT WAVE, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Nicole Haufe Marketing/PR/Event Manager Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin Potsdamer Str. 2 10785 Berlin P +49 – (0)30 – 257 59 – 239 E n.haufe@dffb.de W https://www.dffb.de
Erwin M. Schmidt Programme Consultant Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin Potsdamer Str. 2 10785 Berlin P +49 170 800 1171 E erwin@cinemathon.international W https://nextwave.dffb.de