- Movies

It seems like some cinemagoers in France and Germany are taking the boxing in “Creed III” a little too seriously. During opening weekend screenings of the latest installment of the “Rocky” in the southeastern Paris suburb, Ivry-sur-Seine, a fight broke out, apparently over a woman being on her phone during the entire duration of the film. In the nearby Quai d’Ivry, the chaos was even worse when a moviegoer got into a brawl with a security guard.
On the first Saturday “Creed III” was in theatres, one of the more severe altercations happened in Saint Étienne. During a showing at the Megarama multiplex, with 300 people in attendance, around 20 people were arrested after bottles were thrown.
Meanwhile, in Germany, similar incidents took place. On Saturday in Bremen, the police had to be called after audience members started throwing popcorn and nachos at each other, later culminating into fist fights. In Hamburg, a few days earlier, the film’s premiere had to be interrupted when the were be summoned to break up yet another fight mid-screening.