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The European Digital Cinema Forum (EDCF), the home of professionals and technologists working for and in the digital cinema industry in Europe, has appointed a new board: Cathy Huis in ‘t Veld-Esser, CTO of Gofilex will serve as the EDCF’s new President. She will take over from David Hancock, Chief Analyst, Media and Entertainment at OMDIA who held the position from 2015 and had been a board member since 2010. Julian Pinn, founder of Julian Pinn Ltd. and an active board member for many years, has been appointed Vice President. Tammo Buhren, CEO of zweiB GmbH and Vandors GmbH, will continue to serve as the organisation’s treasurer.
“Knowledge is key and that is where organisations like the EDCF step in,” said Cathy Huis in ‘t Veld-Esser in a statement. “With guidelines, recommendations and best practices we empower cinemas in Europe so that they can take full advantage of their digital cinema installations. In my new role as EDCF president I will make sure and that our European voice is heard throughout the industry.”